Period of Awareness Begins!!!!

A whirlwind last few days in her short time on earth, for this puppy girl. Eyes on my pups often seem to open a few days after they are really up on their feet, starting around 12 days or so. Even with her belly, she is tottering around and climbing over things well. 

Ears are traditionally (according to what you will find in documented developmental periods) supposed to open around 21 days. My pups' ears often open around 14-15 days. So, little Miss Perfect has proven just how perfect she is...her ears opened at 13 days. Actually, 12 1/2 if we are counting time based on when she was born...but 13 is still pretty cool. I was working in the other room and heard her fretting. She is such a  good puppy and well-loved & taken care of by her Mama, wasn't sure why she was fussing. Thought maybe one of the cats had been visiting and maybe woken her up. 

Went in to check on her, started moving some things around-decided to take a couple quick phone photos....and I realized as I was talking to her, her ears were moving to orient to my voice. My heart completely melted, at that moment. Her eyes were still opening, but she tipped her face in my direction and wagged her tail. If ever a reason to not dock tails??? A social response-again very early! 

So, we are off and running with the beginning of more environmental & visual/auditory enrichment. It is scary the first 24-48 hours, for them to hear so many new sounds. She has adjusted pretty quickly. 

I will start hanging things that flutter and make noise above, as well as all the tactile and other stuff she will be introduced to now. She may be a singleton puppy, but she is surely not alone with an excellent Mama and my pack of puppy-lovers to help raise her. Hopefully, I will do it all right...and she will indeed be Perfect, feel an even greater responsibility to ensure that this little one does well.

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