What is Perfect?
I have been spending too much time thinking, as usual. We are living in a crazy $@#% time! The Dogs surely keep me grounded and connected to getting out and about and with friends. Not life as usual, but at least life! Planning for the next "perfect" puppy and litter, I am doing my usual over-analyzing of pretty much everything. How great, perfect on paper, or accomplished a dog may be, doesn't mean they produce that. Some produce better than they are. Breeding is always a cocktail, the mix of ability and personality can be different even within a litter. Training and competing is one way to see exactly what you've got. More limited with Covid, but still some possible. I continue to be baffled by some who do lots of breeding, without any "data" of proving their dogs abilities, first. Not, that competing is the only barometer of a "good dog", but if they never leave home or do anything, how can you predict what they will produce? There are also ...