The world has been shut down for a year. There is light at the end of the tunnel. But I, like many, am getting a bit stir-crazy! I am one of the lucky ones who has been able to get the Vax, even if not "great" to be bumped up for it. I still plan to limit my travels, wear a mask and social distance, but it is a big sigh of relief to know there is more freedom in the future, while also helping stem the spread of this nasty virus.
Spring is in the Air! That doesn't help with my normal wanderlusting spirit. Too much ice & high wind in the woods for hiking, but soon! During all of this, I have upped my daily exercise routines. Fitness miles outside are a challenge, my dogs know the local college campus well. Thank god my dogs don't judge me for my at-home yoga, aerobics and zumba moves.
Can't work sheep up here in the Winter, and travel restrictions cut that early this Fall. So frustrating, but I followed the rules. Seeing others (dog people especially) still merrily inter-state travelling (pre Vax available) and some going to large national events or seminars that drew people from different areas-it was hard not to be judgy. But, I also chose to safely and carefully train in one facility for agility-which I know I was being judged for by some. Competitive natures are often quantifying other's actions-in the case of Covid, I think out of people's own frustration from being limited by state mandates and many of us being conscientious rule followers. Maybe it seemed like some people were "cheating" while most of us listened and stayed home. I get that, felt that too. But, "Judgy"ness on social media is quite evident!After 14 years of other venues, when Covid #'s were going down in NH, Zinc and I dabbled in AKC for the first time. A risk? Yes. But, with hanging out outside mostly, social distancing, hand sanitizers, masks etc-I felt no worse risk than going to the grocery store. I did not share all of our ribbons and fun successes, because I knew it would be judged. But, as of now and the way my 2020 started-with being careful, we are carefully doing our thing in small amounts. Still a risk? Yes.
I am being careful, more than some, maybe less than others. We took a break for several months when the #'s bumped back up. My boy and I went from Novice to Excellent quickly, with very select trial entries. I am proud of him, even as others may judge my choice to trial right now. Even posting a photo takes a paragraph of justification these days. If someone doesn't want to be happy for us, no worries here!
NH has a smaller population than many states, but it is a service based state with lots of tourists/visitors (some from areas that had higher numbers). Our numbers started to bump up. Some people started to get lax over the Summer, and then the numbers started to climb as we started to close windows and doors for Winter. Some NH residents resisted the science and masks...I feel OK Judging that!I do think some people feel so strongly about their personal freedom, they don't think of how their actions might affect others. In the case of denial of this virus, that puts us all at risk. I love to train/go to class and it is also a social outlet. I really miss seeing people, even though I am happy being alone too. The lack of having the social and competitive outlet of dog sports is hard for some people to not be allowed to get their "fix". I have read some angry and judgy remarks. I get that. I have not been angry, but have felt some social isolation at points, I think many of us have.
As we all start to get Vaccinated, hopefully the light at the end of the tunnel comes sooner! I feel good knowing that I am less of a vector for the virus now, but will still be careful. Work is getting busy as it usually does as the snow melts, so the Vax makes me feel much safer than last year at this time. Just like wearing a mask, I got the vax for myself and for "you". We all can do our part!